First day of sch, nth much. Almost bored to death siting in the cold lect room. No outing again, somebody overslept -_-
All the food stuff i bought, keeps disappearing again.. AGAIN.. AND AGAIN!!! f***
Now you see them in the fridge, now it had erm.. disappeared?
Bought 2 tubes of yakult, and by the 3rd day, they are all gone! -_-
My F.M. said they dun like sunraisal's prune juice, yet it disappeared after i left in the fridge for only 2 days?
Things keep disappearing in the fridge with no apparent reason. There must be a mouse in my home. things are starting to get suspicious.
To satisfy my cravings, i bought a cheese cake from breadtalk today. It tastes.. like.. tasteless =(
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