Local CFA firefighter David Tree shares his water with an injured Australian Koala at Mirboo North after wildfires swept through the region. Suspicions that the worst wildfires ever to strike Australia were deliberately set led police to declare crime scenes Monday in towns incinerated by blazes, while investigators moving into the charred landscape discovered more bodies. The death toll stood at 181.
Copyrights from http://news.sg.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=2454018&page=2
may god bless them, stop the wildfires, as they are endangering our lives!
hmm. speaking of god, i had made up my mind after some deep consideration. i am going to stay as a free thinker, but partially more believing in the side of buddhism.
what mum sae really knock some sense in me. comparing e 2 fathers, one brought you up painstakingly up for 18 years, and one who u just met perhaps less than a year back. which one would you choose? let me decide some time later back to seriously choose my religion. let me have the opportunity and time to feel it for my ownself. There's really no point in jumping into something, you aren't sure of it yourself.
driving lessons' bored today. the instructor's totally quiet the whole 2 hours omg!
ok, finally i cant take it, and i just let out a murmur after an hour or so, commenting that doing turns are boring! i think he's kena pissed off or smt, BUT HEY! I AM NT PAYING 80 BUCKS IN A SINGLE SESSION TO DO FARKING TURNS TURNS TURNS RIGHT? okay. he instructed me to move out of the circuit. then, we went to some really busy traffic junctions. he's really kinda like, pondering over something in his mind.
OKAY i admit. i am slow, my speed might not be the farntastic 50km/hr and above, those cars out there are like travelling faster than me. u can hear those honks and see those swift overtakings. I am trying to be a safe driver lo! sian! what i usually observe my friends/siblings/father do is 50% wrong. e.g. stop at the stopline etc
he only speak to tell me turn left, switch lanes. and dats all! -_- sian lo.
i encountered lots of problems during my drive outside the circuit, ask him how he also didnt even bothered to explain =( but nvm. i gained invaluable experience, such as, its ok to make mistakes. if they just kept quiet, pump on the accelerator and you will find your AT least i knew how to use the handbrake nw.
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