ICe Cream ICe Cream Ice Cream!

Location: Singapore

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am VERY UPSET! ALL SLOTS FOR ICE CREAM MAKING COURSES HAVE BEEN TAKEN UP, over at tpy-east cc. this is like a huge blow, after u know, saving up hard enough through one week of yah, less food in-take etc. f***! &*() VERY d$%^&&. The customer service provider at the nearby cc of mine, should go for training course. Course objective: how to be more efficient. At the end of the course, he must F***ing able to learn how to be a better service provider. Screw it man! i could easily do a better job than him. kns product knowledge.

OKAY! to the rather brighter side, i had my last lesson today. Booked for my TP test. 25th july. just hope it wldn't clash with my ICAs prsentations, and piano exams etc. jULY! THE MONTH WHERE ALL THE EXAMS COME IN. ~,~

gt to start on my reports now. b

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Awesome! If everything goes well, i would be able to book my driving TP this saturday. Hmm, like finally?!

cut-ed my hair today. felt more refreshed. WOosh!

ice-cream-making session for 11th june is all filled up, only 7 slots are left for the 26th one. -_- sian 1/2

Can't wait for GSS, and the pc fair at suntec man! i am looking forward to getting my much craved for white-coloured Sennhiser px 100 headphone dearly. Hope i could find it for $50! during the fair. Roars! gotta save up.

Reports are pouring in like nuts! got to start working on them now !,!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My First ever Running shoe!

Ta dah!!! My first running shoe

made the final decision to purchase at nike suntec today =) YAY!~ got motivation to pass my 2.4km run lers ~.~

Decided to postpone my purchase of the px 100 headphones to a later date. Maybe after all my dreadful driving lessons. They are sucking my blood money dry =( hopefully i would be able to book my TP test date in July -_-

Friday, May 22, 2009

Define a need, and a want.

A need:
After shortlisting, i have decided to get a pair of running shoes from nike on this coming sunday. Costs $101 after 40% discount. Oh man! Not getting any from asics. those salesperson seemed so stuck up. i could use my bro's anyway. i received really good CS from the staff at nike. Thumbs Up! Really hope if they do still have my size. Either 10, or 10.5

A want:
Sennhiser PX 100 earpiece is sellig at $69.90 over at Plaza Sing! roughly about $30 cheaper than apple retail outlet. Promotion lasts till this sunday. Itchy hands itchy fingers. This is really a want!

Been working out hard in the gym since last 2 weeks. Striving to do be able to do 5-6 pull-ups, jump over 212cm, 2.4km in 12mins. Believe in faith.

Quote of the day: God won't help you, if you don't even try to help yourself.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Decided to retain my crumplers, and ipod nano. Every personal belonging i have, do contain some sentimental value.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Design

Changed to a new blogskin. Found this one rather simple and awesome =)

Hope you guys do enjoy this vid, Title: Viva La Vida and Love Story

a beautiful piece and melody. Totally Awesome!

Recent updates:
-> the burn wound on my right calf had healed, this meant that i could resume my swimming routine as per normal starting tmr! (ps: this means i would be darker, but much healthier -_-)

-> Managed to do like 1 standard pull-up, plus one cheated pull-up which dosent count, after this past few weeks struggling on the bar at the gym. i had learnt that positioning your arms nearer actually hinder alot in pulling your weight up! Hopefuly could do at least 3 by the end of this month. My target's 8 pull-ups by end of this year. Huat Arhs!

-> ice cream making rather damp this few days. insufficient funds to purchase ingredients, as i do have to buy those compulsory lecture notes, as well as textbooks, to facilitate my understands in calculus -_- (would still try to make like 500ml this coming weekend.)

--> Signing off. Bye Bye