First day of work
my mum told me to take a bus over a lavender, and both of us had commited a mutual mistake i think.. or isit common mistake? i think i still haven forget about business law modules. Arhs dats my fav subject =) back to the topic, my mum and i, are reffering to different locations. she told me to take the bus over at lavender, i must be so blur to take it at lavender mrt. anyways, i still make it to work on time.
work is so slack.. ahhas. i am posted to Singapore Buddhist Lodge! HAHA! This was the first time there i suppose. i jus had to sae, the place if fantastic! u can eat, and eat, and eat continuously, the food are like, free flow and there are quite serveral types! bee hoon, kuay teow, rice, and all sorts of vegetables, which are cooked in a different manner.
And if u did not realise, the vegeterain food, are being cooked, prepared, and served in a gigantic tub or smt. Its a tub/wok that big dat even i could swim in them. about 1.5m perimeter wide. OMG! X) i felt like a taking a pic with my hp. but i did not. kinda rude erh. Anyways, theres a lot of ppl eating erhs. its kinda like a warzone.

<< it rained, so we stopped. haha. so relax, rain = stop. it rained the whole day =) so kinda slack, i think i am paid to eat over there. got to report in for office at 8.30am tmr. Wah Sians.. but think of the $$.. its worth it. hahas.
Cyas! watching crappy Army Daze on arts central =)
work is so slack.. ahhas. i am posted to Singapore Buddhist Lodge! HAHA! This was the first time there i suppose. i jus had to sae, the place if fantastic! u can eat, and eat, and eat continuously, the food are like, free flow and there are quite serveral types! bee hoon, kuay teow, rice, and all sorts of vegetables, which are cooked in a different manner.
And if u did not realise, the vegeterain food, are being cooked, prepared, and served in a gigantic tub or smt. Its a tub/wok that big dat even i could swim in them. about 1.5m perimeter wide. OMG! X) i felt like a taking a pic with my hp. but i did not. kinda rude erh. Anyways, theres a lot of ppl eating erhs. its kinda like a warzone.

<< it rained, so we stopped. haha. so relax, rain = stop. it rained the whole day =) so kinda slack, i think i am paid to eat over there. got to report in for office at 8.30am tmr. Wah Sians.. but think of the $$.. its worth it. hahas.
Cyas! watching crappy Army Daze on arts central =)
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